Hello, Hola, Ni hao, Bonjour, Shalom!
ESL at Great Hills offers a bridge from one culture to another! We currently have over 15 different languages represented in this program! Those who are new to the U.S., or even those who have even been here for a while, are invited to join us and learn the English language, American culture, how to study the Bible, and to make new friends. All faiths are welcome.
We offer different levels of instruction ranging from Beginner to Advanced English. Classes are offered in person only. Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Students only need to register once for the 2024-2025 ESL Year. There is a registration fee of $15. Registration will remain open until classes are full.
ESL 2024-2025 Important Dates
Fall Semester 2024
- August 11: Online Registration Opens
- September 10: Fall Semester Begins & In Person Registration
- October 29: ESL Movie Day
- November 21: Last Day of Fall Semester
Spring Semester 2025
- January 5: Online Registration Re-Opens for New Students
- January 28: Spring Semester Begins & In Person Registration
- April 10: ESL Movie Day
- May 1: Last Day of ESL
NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER OPENS ON JANUARY 5. PLEASE RETURN HERE TO REGISTER ON JANUARY 5. **If you registered during the Fall 2024 semester, you do NOT need to register again.**
Interested in Volunteering?
If you're looking to volunteer at GHBC, ESL at Great Hills is a perfect place to start! There is a variety of areas where you can serve, including but not limited to, teaching, assistant teaching, online teaching, and bringing food and snacks. You can register to help HERE. Please note that you do NOT need to know more than one language to help!
Photo Gallery
Contact Us
Email: esl@ghbc.org
Phone: 512-343-7763 ext. 602