
"Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, hang-ups, and habits of any kind (Celebrate Recovery®).

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a safe space for anyone needing encouragement, accountability, fellowship, or healing; it is not just for addicts and alcoholics. Weekly meetings include a time of praise, teaching, and gender-specific group share. We bear one another's burdens, battle against harmful habits and hang-ups, and strive to grow closer to God. We hope you can join us on Wednesdays!

Click here to learn more about Celebrate Recovery


Not a Christ follower presently?

You are welcome here no matter where you are at in your spiritual journey.

Already a Christian in recovery?

Come and share your experience, strength and hope as others need to hear your story of how God has transformed you, as you give back some of what has been given to you. 

Meeting Information

Day and Time:

Wednesdays, at 6:30pm


Room C244 at Great Hills Baptist Church

Dinner and Childcare provided weekly. 

If Wednesday's don't work for you, you can click the link below to view other Celebrate Recovery meeting days and times near you!

Contact: cr@ghbc.org if you have any questions about Celebrate Recovery at Great Hills.


Celebrate Recovery®, https://www.celebraterecovery.com/about.